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偏斜的英文翻译 偏斜英文怎幺说 偏斜的英文例句



[piān xié]

    not upright
    diverging from straight line

crooked [krukid]


upright [ʌprait]

    adj.垂直的,竖式的,正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的 adv.笔直,竖立着 n.垂直,竖立

straight [streit]

    adj.直的,诚实的,正直的,率直的,整齐的 adv.直,直接,一直

line [lain]

    n.绳,索,线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺...排列,划线于,使有线条,使起皱纹 vi.排队


在运动过程中突然侧倾或偏斜。Careen: to lurch or swerve while in motion.南半球向太阳偏斜。The southern hemisphere is inclined towards the sun.倾向一边取一个斜的方向或路径,如船的偏斜To take an oblique direction or course; swing around as a ship.斜的带有偏斜的或倾斜方向的Having a slanted or oblique direction.这样,业力就停止以你不希望的方式偏斜梦想。As this occurs the karma ceases to skew the dream in an undesirable manner.


使偏斜于 deflect from

偏态长条图,偏斜长条图 skewed histogram

偏态频数曲线,偏斜频数曲线 skew frequency curve

偏斜 deviation

偏斜分布 skew distribution

偏斜分配 slew distribution

偏斜回归 skew regression

偏斜对位 angular spotting

偏斜度 degree of skewness; measure of skewness

偏斜方向 direction of bias

偏斜测定仪 deflectometer

偏斜消除 deskew

偏斜係数 skewness coefficient; coefficient of skewness

偏斜角 offset angle

偏斜误差 skewed error

原发性偏斜 primary deviation

反向偏斜 skew deviation

叶背偏斜角 n. angle of skew back

同向偏斜 conjugate deviation

射线偏斜 wobbulate

数据偏斜 data skew

继发性偏斜 secondary deviation

行位偏斜 line skew

速度偏斜 velocity skew

铅锺偏斜 n. vertical deflection

鼻偏斜 nasal deviation

