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皮疹的英文翻译 皮疹英文怎幺说 皮疹的英文例句



[pí zhěn]

    a rash

rash [ræʃ]

    adj.轻率的,匆忙的,卤莽的 n.[医]皮疹


她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。She developed malaise fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem.有治疗皮疹的“可的松软膏”She's got cortisone creams for stress rashes.疹,皮疹这样的发疹或污点Such a rash or blemish.结果:输血反应主要表现为皮疹及发热。Results the typical symptoms of reactions of the blood transfusion were tetter and fever.莱姆症会伴有皮疹。Lyme disease initially presents with a rash.皮肤病因黄斑,丘疹,偶尔或脓疱,结节性皮疹。Skin lesions vary from macular papular or occasional pustular and nodular type rashes.皮疹给我们提示什幺?What's goodabout this rash?皮疹皮肤上出现红色疹Redness a rash or an eruption on the skin.她脸上出了皮疹,这使她心烦意乱。She was perturbed about a rash which had come out on her face.细菌感染不会引起泡状皮疹Bacterial infections don't cause a vesicular rash.要我看看病人阴囊上的莫名皮疹?Inexplicable rash on a patient's scrotum you need me to look at?主要毒副反应为发热、战、闷、过性皮疹及短暂的肝功能指标升高等。The major toxicities were fever chill tire tetter transitory abnormal liver function and so on.


海水浴皮疹 seabather''s eruption

蝶形皮疹 butterfly rash

