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毗的英文翻译 毗英文怎幺说 毗的英文例句



    to adjoin
    to border on

adjoin [ә'dʒɔin]


border [bɔ:dә(r)]

    n.边界,国界,边,边沿,边境 vt.与...接壤,接近 v.接壤


我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。My small rectory abuts her estate.信奉大神毗湿奴的一个印度教流派。Hindu sect worshiping of vishnu.印度教三大流派之一:崇拜毗瑟挐。Worship of vishnu one of the3chief gods of the hindu pantheon.这些就是所谓的毗瑟挐脉轮。These are called vishnu chakras.


与...毗连 line on; march with

地理上毗连 geographical contiguity

最大宽度毗连区 maximum contiguous zone

最近毗邻法 nearest neighbor method

毗连 adjacent

毗连...的南部 on the south of

毗连主义 contiguity doctrine; doctrine of contiguity

毗连于...的北部 on the north of

毗连区 contiguous zone

毗连区间 interval abutting one another

毗连国 contiguous country; contiguous state

毗连国际水道 contiguous international watercourse

毗连国际河流 contiguous international river

毗连地所有人 adjoining owner

毗连层次 associated layers

毗连建筑物 adjacent structure

毗连性 contiguity

毗连所有 adjacent property; adjoining property

毗连海底区 contiguous submarine area

毗连渔区 contiguous fishery zone

毗连空间 contiguous airspace

毗邻学说 the theory of contiguity

毗邻序列分析 nearest neighbour sequence analysis

毗邻期 adjacent periods

渔业毗连区 contiguous fishing zone; fishery contiguous zone

空中毗连区 contiguous air space zone

非毗连国 noncontiguous state

领海及毗连区 territorial sea and contiguous zone

