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碰到的英文翻译 碰到英文怎幺说 碰到的英文例句




    to come across
    to run into
    to meet

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

across [ә'krɔs]

    adv.横过,交叉地,在对面 prep.越过,交叉,在...的那边,在...对面那边

run [rʌn]

    n.跑,赛跑,奔跑,运转,趋向 vi.跑,奔,逃跑,竞选,跑步,蔓延,进行,行驶 vt.使跑,参赛,追究,使流,管理,运行,开动 adj.熔化的,融化的,浇铸的 vbl.run的过去式和过去分词

into [intu]



我碰到了几个问题。I have run up against a few problems.我上岸走不到半里路,就碰到拉夫。When we got ashore before we had come half a li we bumped into an army pressgang.我在锡拉库扎碰到的I came by them in syracuse.异端思想会不受到惩罚,不得到悔改,永远不让他们碰到。The heretical thought would be unpunished unrepented out of their reach for ever.婴儿车碰到了围墙。The pram bumped the fence.在百老汇偶尔碰到一怪人并不罕见。It is rarely uncommon to come across an eccentric in broadway.在多佛他碰到了莫德雷德和他的军队。Here he found mordred and his army.只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen.坐回去时不要碰到糖罐了Try not trip on the sugar when you sit back down.


为...所碰到 fall in her way; fall in his way; fall in my way; fall in our way; fall in their way; fall in your way

偶然碰到 hit upon

意外碰到 bump into; met up with

无意中碰到 fall across

碰到 fallen in with

碰到...上 hit against on

碰到劲敌 catch a tartar

碰到困难 bump up against difficulties; come unstuck

碰到坏天气 made bad weather; make bad weather

碰到好天气 made good weather; make good weather

碰到恶劣天气 under stress of weather

碰到水底 touch ground

碰到狂风大浪的颠簸 made heavy weather

轻轻碰到 brush up against

