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碰巧的英文翻译 碰巧英文怎幺说 碰巧的英文例句




    by chance
    by coincidence
    to happen to

chance [tʃa:ns; (-) tʃæns]

    n.机会,可能性,偶然性,运气 v.碰巧,偶然发生,冒...的险adj.偶然的

coincidence [kәuin'sidәns]



碰巧这是一首小夜曲This happens to be a nocturne.如果你碰巧看到那本书,就给我留下。If you stumble across the book keep it for me.他碰巧知道那事。He happened to know that.他投石子打它,碰巧打伤了它的一个翅膀。He threw stones at her and with one chance shot broke a wing.我们只是碰巧遇到了。We just happened to meet up.我碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•瑞个人演唱会的海报。I happened to pass by the grand theater and see the poster of mariah carey's solo concert.我碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•瑞演唱会的海报。I happened to pass by the grand theater and see the poster of mariah carey's concert.我碰巧看鲫他正在用生髮剂擦他的秃头。I caught him rubbing his bald head with hair restorer.我是碰巧来的。I came on the off chance of finding you.


不是碰巧 it can not happen that; it did not happen that; it may not happen that; it must not happen that; it should not happen that; it will not happen that; it would not happen that

碰巧 by chance; it so happened that

碰巧遇上 benluck on; luck in; luck into; luck onto

碰巧遇见 chance upon; chanced on; chanced upon

