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碰头的英文翻译 碰头英文怎幺说 碰头的英文例句




    to meet
    to hold a meeting

meet [mi:t]

    n.会,集会 adj.适宜的,合适的 vt.遇见,(迎)接,与(某人目光)相遇,(赴约)和...会面,(经介绍)与...相识,对付 vi.相遇,接触

hold [hәuld]

    n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支援,佔据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.控制,保留

meeting [mi:tiŋ]



天花板很低, 留神别碰头。Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling.这些年虽然我与格兰特先生常在社交场所碰头,但是和他并没有很深的交情。I don't know Mr.Grant very intimately, though we have been rubbing elbow我将在那里和你碰头,但你要準时来。I'll meet you there, but you must keep time.至于尚未讨论的事情,我们明天再碰头好吗?As for undiscussed matter shall we meet again tomorrow?他们经常碰头总结工作。They get together regularly to sum up their work.美海军陆战队与日本步兵在丛林首度碰头。For the first time since americans entered the war marines face japanese infantrymen at guadalcanal.那门用了门碰头,一直开着。The door was held open by a doorstop.钱德,我们不是约好六点在咖啡馆碰头吗Chandler we said we would meet at the coffeehouse at six.我会和你在索普大街的尽头碰头。I'll meet you at the top of thorpe street.我们明天什幺时候碰头。When shall we meet up tomorrow?语音邮件里说好在这里碰头The voice mail said to contact her here.在南达科他和乔治亚州之间的半路上,一定有一个我们可以碰头的湖或旅游客栈。There must be some lake or lodge halfway between south dakota and georgia where we could meet.咱们看完戏后碰头吧。Let's meet up after the play.


开碰头会 lay heads together

更新碰头计数 updated collision count

碰头率 collision rate

碰头站 colliding station

碰头竞争 avoid) competition in foreign markets )between the goods China processed or assembled and her own exports

碰头要约 cross offers

门碰头 door stop

