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    surname Peng

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


一朵朵蓬鬆的云环绕着山顶。Around the summit of the hill was a halo of small puffy clouds.一个抽着小烟斗、头髮蓬乱的老人。A shaggy elderly man smoking a little pipe.医疗卫生事业蓬勃发展。Medical and health care has grown vigorously.有些主要由蓝星和蓬鬆的气体云组成,几乎没有尘埃。Some consist mostly of blue stars and puffy clouds of gas but little dust.运动服、休闲服、制服、帽子、外套、窗帘、阳伞、帐蓬。Sportswear casual wear uniform hat coat curtaln parasol tent.在辽阔开放的热带草原上,小猎豹可以凭藉身上蓬鬆的灰色毛皮隐藏在长长的草丛中。A fluffy gray mantle and patches of tall grass help a cub hide on the open savanna.在沙洼地上,每丛沙蓬下部集拢了一堆像黑麵粉一样的褐色细沙尘。Dark sand gathered like black flour under the sandwort bushes.


使蓬鬆 fluff out

农场用带蓬挂车 farm-wagon

凉蓬 awning

双座高速敞蓬汽车 speedster

双排座敞蓬轿车 landau

圆顶帐蓬 yurt

埃尔夫-加蓬石油公司 ELF-Gabon

大蓬货车 van

大蓬车 caravan

天蓬支柱 awning stay

天蓬梁 awning boom

天蓬甲板 n. promenade deck

帐蓬 n. canvas

帕蓬布 papoon pathas

带皮管淋浴莲蓬头 shower head with rubber hose

带着帐蓬旅行 maroon

开蓬 Kepone Kepone EM 2 chlordecone

开蓬 Kepone Kepone EM 2 chlordecone

急救莲蓬头 emergency shower

抑草蓬 Baron erbon Novege Novon

抑草蓬 Baron erbon Novege Novon

敞蓬货车 gondola

斯蓬塔牌手錶 Sponta

斯蓬塔牌手錶 Sponta

方帐蓬 wall tent

无蓬低拦小型运送车 pickup

无袖外披斗蓬 mantel

挑出遮蓬 marquee

日本萍蓬草 Nuphar japonicum

有蓬货车 covered wagon

