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彭的英文翻译 彭英文怎幺说 彭的英文例句



    surname Peng

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


女邮政局长一眼就认出她是彭甯顿太太的女儿。The postmistress recognised her at once as mrs pennington's daughter.如果彭宇真的是肇事者呢?What if peng really did that?瑞茜?威瑟斯彭扮演艾莉?伍兹,Reese witherspoon plays elle woods说到这里,还有一位人物值得大书特书,他就是彭德怀。Here still a character is worth particularize he is peng dehuai.我原以为彭罗斯是他的中名。I thought penrose was middle name.一天最兴奋的一刻是找到我们的常客,彭亨金金底过背。The most exciting moment of the day our regular pahang gold had been found and scanned.这些所谓的“公共对等汇接点”位于芝加哥、加州的帕洛阿尔托和新泽西州的彭索肯。These so-called "public peering points" are in chicago palo alto calif. and pennsauken n.j.直到它回到彭塔阿雷纳斯大教堂中And till the cross is returned to punta arenas


卡彭梯尔控制器 carpentier inversor

庞特里亚金-范坎彭对偶定理 Pontryagin-van Kampen duality theorem

彭加利法郎 Poincaré franc

彭姆西尔基铜铵纤维 Bemsilkie

彭姆西尔基铜铵纤维 Bemsilkie

彭德莱综合征 Pendred syndrome又称"家族性呆小聋哑症"。

彭志忠石 pengzhizhongite

彭斯克-马丁密闭式试验器 Pensky-Martens closed tester

彭斯克-马丁测定仪 Pensky-Martens tester

彭斯基-马顿斯油料燃点测定仪 Autoflash

彭梯克牌手錶 Pontaic

彭梯克牌手錶 Pontaic

彭纳投影 Bonne map projection

彭脱里完备用语密码 Bentley''s Complete Phrase Code

彭脱里密码书 Bentley''s code; Bentley''s book

彭通聚醚纤维 Penton

彭通聚醚纤维 Penton

阿斯彭牌汽车 Aspen

阿斯彭牌汽车 Aspen

玛律瓦彭达斯纤维 malva pendas

