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    boron (chemistry)

boron [bɔ:rɔn]


chemistry [kemistri]



硼钠解石一种白色矿物,nacab5o9?h2o,由非常精细的针状晶体组成的球形物质A white mineral nacab5o9? H2o that forms rounded masses of very fine needle-shaped crystals.水合硼钠化合物,nabo?10ho,是一种硼矿,用作清洁性化合物。"A hydrated sodium borate nabo10ho an ore of boron that is used as a cleaning compound."水合硼钠化合物,nabo•10ho,是一种硼矿,用作清洁性化合物。A hydrated sodium borate nabo10ho an ore of boron that is used as a cleaning compound.也观察到缺乏镁、锰、硼的现象。Deficiencies of mg mn and b have also been observed.一种硼酸和硅酸形成的盐。A salt of boric and silicic acids.一种由含水硼酸钠组成的硼矿石,用作助熔剂或去污剂。An ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent.


三氟化硼 boron trifluoride

三氟化硼乙醚溶液 boron trifluoride ether solution

三氟化硼探测器 BF3 detector

三氟化硼计数器 boron trifluoride counter

三氟化硼计数器 boron-trifluoride-filled counter

三氯化硼 boron trichloride

三溴化硼 boron tribromide

三甲氧基硼氧六环 trimethoxyboroxine

乙硼烷 diboride

二氧化硼 boron oxide

二硼化钛 titanium diboride

二硼烷 diborane

五硼酸铵 ammonium pentaborate

使...与硼砂混合 borate

偏硼酸钙 calcium metaborate

偏硼酸钠 sodium metaborate

偏硼酸钡 barium metaborate

偏硼酸铅 lead metaborate

偏硼酸铜 copper metaborate

偏硼酸锂 lithium metaborate

十水硼砂 borax,decahydrate

博塔硅硼钛铝锰合金 Bortam

博罗西尔硼硅铁合金 Borosil

即硼酸 ortho-boric acid

原硼酸 ortho-boric acid

含水硼砂 hydrous borax

四水硼砂 kernite

四硼酸 tetraboric acid

四硼酸盐 tetraborate

四硼酸钠 sodium tetraborate

