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朋的英文翻译 朋英文怎幺说 朋的英文例句




friend [frend]



为你的男朋友疯狂。Going crazy for yours truly.下馆子一般和朋友一起去。Dinner at a restaurant is usually with friends.一点传统,一点点朋克。A little traditional and a little bit punk rock.一个沧桑老人,没朋友,没遗产A wash-up old man with no friend no distribution deal.一个朋友在我旁边大叫A friend next to me shouted一个樵夫和他的朋友正走在纽约第五大道上。A woodsman was walking down fifth street in new york city with a friend.一个温暧的春日,放学后,有个小朋友跟着她们回了家。One warm spring day a small friend followed them home after school.一群朋友向他挥手告别。A knot of friends waved him good-bye.与家人和朋友团聚。Surrounded by family and friends.与老朋友中断关係。To sever your ties with your old friends.


与...交朋友 cotton up to; make a friend of

与...结交朋友 make friends with

与朋友和同事重新交往 get back into circulation; got back into circulation

交异性朋友 take round

亲戚朋友 kith and kin

使朋友失望 let the side down

卡朋士林染料 Carbanthrene dye

卡朋士林染料 Carbanthrene dye

卡朋士林蓝 carbanthrene blue

和...交上朋友 be friends with

和以前的朋友分离 plough my lonely furrow

开拿朋 Kenapon

开拿朋 Kenapon

心腹朋友 second self

敢说直话的朋友 candid friend

有势力的朋友 friend in court

朋发立牌手錶 Befre

朋发立牌手錶 Befre

朋雪克-金驹鸟牌汽车 Pontiac Firebird

朋雪克-金驹鸟牌汽车 Pontiac Firebird

知心朋友 bosom friend

硬要同...交朋友 scrape up an acqusintance

穷朋友 high hig

老朋友 old fellow

见面仅略叙寒暄的朋友 speaking acquaintance

达拉朋 dalapon-Na

酒肉朋友 fair weather friend

