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胚珠的英文翻译 胚珠英文怎幺说 胚珠的英文例句



[pēi zhū]


ovule [әuvju:l]



大多数种子的形成是从胚珠受精开始的。Seed development in most instances commences following fertilization of the ovule.合点珠孔对面的胚珠内结合珠被和珠心的一个区域The region of an ovule that is opposite the micropyle where the integuments and nucellus are joined.胚珠的或有胚珠特点的。Being or of the nature of an ovule.胚珠着生于子房壁上。Ovules attached to the walls of the ovary.胚珠着生在单心皮的腹缝线上。Ovules attached to the juxtaposed margins of a simple pistil.天仙子(hyoscyamusniger)胚珠为薄珠心胚珠。The ovule of hyoscyamus niger is renuinullceate.弯生胚珠的具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的Having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus.直且倒置,珠孔紧邻珠柄的胚珠。An ovule which is inverted and straight with the micropyle situated next to the funiculus.直生的直立生长以至珠孔在茎的另一端的。用于形容胚珠Growing straight so that the micropyle is at the end opposite the stalk.used of an ovule.珠柄与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄A stalk connecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta.珠柄与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄。A stalkconnecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta.珠孔种子植物胚珠上的小开口,通常花粉管由此进入胚珠A minute opening in the ovule of a seed plant through which the pollen tube usually enters.


倒生胚珠 anatropous ovule

厚珠心胚珠 crassinucellate ovule

弯生胚珠 campylotropous ovule

拳卷胚珠 circinotropous ovule

曲生胚珠 amphitropous ovule

横生胚珠 hemianatropous ovule

直生胚珠 orthotropous ovule

胚珠 ovule

薄珠心胚珠 tenuinucellate ovule

