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怕人的英文翻译 怕人英文怎幺说 怕人的英文例句






要是怕吵、怕人多就别City streets are no place to be if you don't like noise or crowds.但是姨太太却继续来了怕人的回答:But the concubine had further shocks in store for him:飞机在震颤摇晃,其样子极为怕人。The plane is shudder and lurch in the most terrifying manner.苏小姐笑道:“快去罢,不怕人等得心焦幺?”Miss su said with a smile "you'd better hurry.are n't you afraid someone will get impatient?"他的脊樑弯曲得怕人。The curvature of the spine was astonishing.晚上会下雪,冷得怕人At night it can get crushingly cold and there could be snow.我吃过一些甜得怕人的巧克力奶油蛋糕。I had some horribly sweet chocolate gateau.惧怕人的陷入网罗。惟有倚靠耶和华的,必得安稳。The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the lord shall be safe.你可以冒交通危险穿过去,或者你可以走地道,不过那里很臭也很怕人。You can risk the traffic or you can use the underpass smelly and horrible though it is.原应该成为他心灵的生命将会毁伤自己的形体。他会变得怕人、丑陋和粗笨。The life that was to make his soul would mar his body.he would become dreadful hideous and uncouth.

