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盼望的英文翻译 盼望英文怎幺说 盼望的英文例句




    to hope for
    to look forward to

hope [hәup]

    n.希望,信心 v.希望,盼望,期待,信赖

look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待

forward [fɔ:wәd]

    adj.早的,迅速的,前进的 vt.转寄,促进,运送 adv.向前地,向将来 n.[体](足球等)前锋


为什幺我就应该盼望发生大战呢?难道就是为了能参军战死吗?Why should I hope for a big war so that I could join up and get killed?我多盼望能点燃一炉火啊!I longed to kindle one!我们急切盼望您的回复。We eagerly anticipate your reply.我们盼望着您的光临。We look forward to your visit.我日夜盼望你归航。I looking forward to your homing day and night.孩子们都盼望着新年。Children are looking forward to new year's day.盼望大家踊跃的参与。I hope that you will all participate.他们盼望新办法不会被视为捷径。They are anxious that the new course should not be seen as a soft option.他盼望我不要见怪,如果他命令几个主管官吏来搜查我。He desired I would not take it ill if he gave orders to certain proper officers to search me.遇难矿工盼望援救人员正在接近他们,这是他们赖以坚持下去的唯一希望。Only the hope that the rescuer is get nearer sustain the trap miner.战慄着,为爱情和盼望!Tremble with love and hope!


盼望 expect for; look forward to

盼望中的 prospective

盼望着 in expectation of

