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叛乱的英文翻译 叛乱英文怎幺说 叛乱的英文例句




    armed rebellion

armed [a:md]


rebellion [ri'beljәn]



他们被指控煽动叛乱。They were charged with sedition.他说如果叛乱者不加入和谈,他将会继续推进没有叛军参加的大选。Mr.thapa said he will move forward with elections without the rebels if they do not join the talks.一个一心想煽动叛乱的狂人所说的疯话。The ravings of an obsessed anarchist.伊拉克政府正寻求对宗派主义者叛乱镇压的援助。The iraqi government is asking for help to quell sectarian violence.这次的叛乱是柏柏尔人领导的一系列起义中最近的一次。This rebellion is the latest in a series of uprisings led by the tuareg.镇压起义、叛乱等。Suppress an uprising a revolt etc政府将叛乱加以镇压。The government put down the rebellion.


叛乱 armed rebellion; insurrection; rebellion; insurgent; insurrectionary; rebellious

叛乱反对 mutiny against

叛乱团体 rebellious body

叛乱地位的承认 recognition of insurgency

叛乱罪 crime of insurrection; lese majesty; leze majesty

叛乱船舶 insurgent vessel

叛乱部队 rebel army; rebel forces

叛乱集团 rebellious clique

对叛乱团体的承认 recognition of insurgence

持械聚众叛乱 armed mass rebellion

持械聚众叛乱罪 crime of armed mass rebellion

未被承认的叛乱者 unrecognized insurgent

武装叛乱 armed rebellion

武装叛乱者 armed rebel

煽动叛乱罪 crime of fomenting rebellion; sedition

策动叛乱罪 crime of instigating rebellion

聚众叛乱 mass rebellion

聚众持械叛乱 mass an armed uprising

镇压叛乱 sit on the lid

