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盘点的英文翻译 盘点英文怎幺说 盘点的英文例句




    to make an inventory
    to take stock

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

inventory [invәntәri; (-) 'invәntɔ:ri]


take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购


下星期我们暂停营业盘点存货。Next week那家商店每逢星期一进行盘点。The store took stock on Monday.今日盘点,明日照常营业。Stock-taking today. Business as usual tomorrow.可盘点和可指名的无形资产;Identifiable and nameable intangible assets;存货的盘点是指对所有库存商品进行系统的盘点。Taking a physical inventory means making a systematic count of all merchandise on hand.第二个提案是“对wipo的发展活动进行盘点”。The second proposal related to "stock-taking of wipo development activities."今明两天盘点,暂停营业。Closed for stock-taking today and tomorrow.每月盘点存货数量及重量。Take stock amount and weight at monthly.


一年一度实地盘点 once-a-year physical count

专职盘点人员 full-time inventory crews

交易盘点制 transaction system

全面盘点 wall-to-wall inventory

存货盘点 stock-taking

存货盘点人 inventory checker

定期实物盘点 periodic physical inventory

实物盘点 wall to wall; walltowall

库存盘点 stock-taking

迴圈盘点 cycle count; cyclic count

材料盘点单 stores inventory sheet

永续盘点 perpetual stocktaking

盘存,盘点,盘货 stock taking; inventory taking; take stock; taking inventory; make an inventory of stock on hand; check

盘点 inventory taking

盘点存货 stock-tacking

盘点存货通知 circular of stock-taking

突击盘点 surprise count

逐项盘点 inventory of each item

