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胖的英文翻译 胖英文怎幺说 胖的英文例句




fat [fæt]

    n.脂肪,肥肉;adj.肥大的,丰满的,肥的,胖的,油腻的;vt.养肥,在...中加入脂肪;vi.长肥;File Allocation Table,档案配置表

plump [plʌmp]

    adj.圆胖的,丰满的,鼓起的 vt.突然放下,使丰满,使鼓起 vi.变丰满,鼓起 adv.使发胖(或鼓起)的东西,鼓鳃物,沉重(或突然)坠落,沉重地,突然地,坦白地 n.扑通声


他是个身材稍矮的胖子。He was a shortish fat man.他长得敦实,可并不发胖。He is stocky though not chubby.他转过头,只见一张员警的胖脸。He looked quickly round into the broad face of a policeman.她肥胖的身躯蜷伏在打字机上。Her stout form crouched over a typewriter.她那时人小,胖鼓鼓地长着一身的肉。Puppy fat she had a lot of puppy fat them.她由一个笨重矮胖的男子领着参观了体育俱乐部。She was shown around the sports club by a heavily-built squat man.体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重。Weight loss making her look gaunt and stringy alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.一个少说也有15岁、又胖又黄、长相难看的女孩子。A plump sallow repulsively plain girl of at least fifteen.伊莱把胖哥从工作台上举起,放到地上。Eli lifted punchinello off the bench and set him on the ground.因为缺乏运动会造成过胖和健康方面的问题。Lack of exercise contributes to obesity and health problems.


使发胖 round out

发胖 gain flesh

向心性肥胖 central obesity

抗肥胖药 antiadipositas drug, antiobesity drug

松胖羊毛 blobby wool

松胖羊毛 blobby wool

活胖头鱼 big head fish,live

病态肥胖症 morbid obesity

病癒后长胖 pick up flesh

矮胖的 squat

肥胖 obeseness; obesity

肥胖型 pyknic type

肥胖症 obesity, adipositas

肥胖的 in flesh

肥胖通气低下综合征 obesity-hypoventilation syndrome

胖分形 fat fractal

胖哔叽 palm beach palm Beach cloth

膨大海 boat-fruited sterculia

长胖 gain flesh

