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攀缘的英文翻译 攀缘英文怎幺说 攀缘的英文例句



[pān yuán]


scramble [skræmb(ә)l]

    n.爬行,攀缘,抢夺,混乱 vi.攀缘,杂乱蔓延,争夺,拼凑,匆忙 vt.攀登,搅乱,使混杂


攀缘草本植物,用作饲料或用于土壤改良。Herbaceous climbing plant valuable as fodder and for soil-building.攀缘的多年生的草本;葫芦科的一种攀登生的草本。Climbing perennial herbs: bryony.攀缘时用到的小立足处。A small foothold used in climbing.葡萄藤沿着墙壁攀缘而上。The grapevine climbed up along the wall.属于北美和亚洲的细的攀缘植物的非常小的属;拱起的花生。Very small genus of twining vines of north america and asia: hog peanut.有粘性偶然根的一个常绿攀缘植物属;产于亚洲东南及巴西。Evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern asia and brazil.北半球热带地区的陆生而非攀缘蕨类植物。Terrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere.到夏末,繁茂的常春藤把攀缘的玫瑰花挤得没了地方。By late summer rampant ivy had crowded out the climbing roses.灌木和小型乔木和木本攀缘植物。Shrubs and small trees and woody vines.旧大陆和温和气候的北南美洲的攀缘草本的属;连理草;野生豆。Genus of climbing herbs of old world and temperate north and south america: vetchling; wild pea.美国西部和墨西哥北部的攀缘蜥蜴。A climbing lizard of western united states and northern mexico.攀缘的蕨类植物;有上爬生或攀缘特性的植物。A climbing fern; plants of a creeping or scandent nature.热带乔木或灌木或木本攀缘植物。Tropical trees or shrubs or woody vines.


攀缘式起重机 climbing crane

攀缘根 climbing root

攀缘植物 climbing plant, climber

攀缘竞争 scramble competition共灭型竞争

攀缘纤维 climbing fiber

攀缘绿化 climber greening

攀缘茎 climbing stem

攀缘运动 climbing movement

