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拍照的英文翻译 拍照英文怎幺说 拍照的英文例句




    to take a picture

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

picture [piktʃә(r)]

    n.画,图画,照片,像,美景,描述,相似物,化身 vt.画,描绘


能给我拍照吗?Would you take my photo?让我给你拍照…You let me photograph you...如果在室内或夜间拍照,你最好使用闪光灯。You'd better apply a photoflash if you take a photo in a room or at night.如果在室内拍照,你最好用一只闪光灯。You'd better apply a photoflash if you take a photo in a room.十点十五,有个记者的拍照时间At10:15 there's a photo opportunity.我喜欢和我的朋友们拍照。Me encanta fotografiarme con mis amigos.我的摄影师正在拍照。My photographer's getting it now.我可以在这里拍照吗?May I take pictures here?我们在那个雨天完全没有準备,在雨中我们持续的拍照。1: We were unprepared for rain that day in south georgia.我拥有在公众场合给任何人拍照的权利I have every right to take pictures ofwhoever I want in a public park.一个印第安女人还想拍照What's a squaw know about taking pictures.一台宝丽来即拍照相机A single polaroid one instant camera


快拍照相机 quick-fire camera

拍照 take a photo

拍照存档 mug; mug

显微拍照 n. photomicrograph

未拍照存档的罪犯 unnameable offenders

疑难物证拍照 photo shooting of difficult and complicated material evidence

给...拍照 have her photo taken; have his photo taken; have my photo taken; have our photo taken; have their photo taken; have your photo taken; take a shot of

选拍照片机 candid camera

