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limp [limp]

    adj.柔软的,易曲的 vi.跛行


蹒跚行走的马;蹒跚的老人。A tottering skeleton of a horse; a tottery old man.蹒跚以一种摇晃、笨拙的方式行走;摇摇摆摆地行走To move in a rolling clumsy manner; waddle.他会挪着他那特有的、带点拖遝的步履。蹒跚地走进来。He would shamble in with his distinctive walk a kind of shuffle.她迈着蹒跚的步子慢慢地走着。She walked slowly with tottering steps.我看到一个醉汉在街上蹒跚而行。I saw a drunk staggering up the street.小孩和老人走路蹒跚。Small children and very old people totter as they walk.小孩与老年人走路蹒跚。Babies and very old people totter as they walk.摇摆着走笨拙地摇摆着走;蹒跚To walk with a clumsy sway; waddle.摇摇晃晃地走趔趔趄趄地移动,移动;蹒跚To move with a waddling motion; toddle.一切都安谧与恬静。突然,沃尔特•克朗凯特蹒跚着闯入了画面。All was tranquility and repose.suddenly into the picture staggered walter cronkite.在水边给鸭子扔了一些食物,当它们沿着我的路蹒跚而过时我站着一动不动。Throw some food to the ducks by the water stand so still while they waddle my way.这个蹒跚学步的小孩脸色已经发紫,克里斯狂吻儿子,他最终脱险。然后,克里斯拨打了999救援电话。The toddler's face was turning blue so chris brought him round with the kiss of life and dialled999.这个蹒跚学步的小孩完全模仿他父亲的动作。The toddler copied everything his father did.这疲倦的老人蹒跚前行。The tired old man stumbled along.


向后蹒跚 reel back

朝...蹒跚地移动 lurch toward

由于...而蹒跚 reel from

蹒跚地朝...走来 lucrch up to

蹒跚地行走 lumber in one''s walk; lurch along; toddle along; toddle away; toddle off

蹒跚地走 dodder along

蹒跚而行 stumble about; stumble along; stumble around

