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排出的英文翻译 排出英文怎幺说 排出的英文例句




    to discharge

discharge [distʃa:dʒ]

    vt.卸下,放出,清偿(债务),履行(义务),解雇,开(炮),放(枪),射(箭) vi.卸货,流注 n.卸货,流出,放电


我必须测量他的液体摄入和排出,限每天液体摄入700cc。I would have to measure his fluid intake and outtake and restrict his fluid intake to700cc per day.血液把身体组织里的废物排出。The blood exports waste products from the tissues.研究人员于2000年首次试验这种装置,用以侦测尼加拉瓜的火山口排出的气体。The researchers first tried out their device on gas emissions from nicaraguan craters in2000.一头母牛一次只排出一个卵子,而象猪这样的多产动物则一次能排出好几个卵子。A single egg is released in the case of a cow and several eggs in proliferous animals such as hogs.用3m放气工具在边缘排出气泡。Burst air bubbles at the edge with the3m air release tool.


从...处渐渐排出 drain from

半排出期 half-life

发动机排出物 engine emission

基础酸排出量 basal acid output

往上排出 escape up

总排出量 total displacement

排出 driven out; pumpout; snap down; snapdown; snapout

排出压力 discharge pressure

排出压头 discharge head

排出口 n. drain

排出喷管 discharge nozzle

排出器 displacer

排出小体 extrusome

排出干线 n. escape trunk

排出扬程 discharge head

排出旋塞 n. delivery cock

排出气 exhaust gas

排出气体 fume off

排出气装置 vented gas appliance

排出水 drainage water

排出泵 discharge pump

排出流 discharge current

排出的气体 expellant gas

排出空气包 discharge pulsation dampener

排出管 n. ejector

排出装置 n. distributor

排出阀 discharge valve

最大酸排出量 maximal acid output

水泵排出管 pump water conductor

水面排出阀 n. surface blow-off valve

