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排列的的英文翻译 排列的英文怎幺说 排列的的英文例句



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tactic [tæktik]

    n.策略,战略 adj.按顺序的,排列的

meristic [mә'ristik]

    adj. [生物] 1 (蠕虫等) 由多节成的 2 裂殖的; 各部分对称的


这些餐厅是按名称字母的先后顺序排列的。The restaurants are arranged in alphabetical order.这些档案是按数字母的顺序排列的。The files are arranged in alphabetical order.这些事件是按年代顺序排列的。The events are listed in chronological order.这些数位是一定顺序排列的吗?Are the numbers in sequence?按照时间顺序排列的所有样本资料点。Performance data plotted over time.表示分子中原子排列的扩展分子式。An expanded molecular formula showing the arrangement of atoms within the molecule.化石蕨类植物的一科,是以茎上显着呈螺旋排列的叶座为特徵。Fossil plants characterized by conspicuous spirally arranged leaf scars on the trunk.经纱织物中成经线排列的,与纬纱成直角交织的线The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric crossed at right angles to the woof.力量要逐渐渗透,要按照排列的顺序操作,不要逆返。The strength should seep into skin gradually in proper order of vital point no contrary.连续排列的几个电池;由伏特设计的早期电池。Voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by volta.如果你排列了几个矩阵在一起,但是得到了并不期待的结果,请仔细的看看排列的顺序。If you string together several matrices and get unexpected results look closely at the order.圆形排列的巨石被称为巨石阵The circular arrangement of megaliths called stonehenge.这些音符不是随便排列的。Which are not arranged randomly.


交错排列的磁铁布置 staggered magnet configuration

子过程排列的深层机构 deep hierarchy of subprocedure arrangement

