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派出的英文翻译 派出英文怎幺说 派出的英文例句




    to send
    to dispatch

send [send]


dispatch [di'spætʃ]

    vt.分派,派遣 n.派遣,急件


他得到官职,好几次被派出去执行任务,主要是中国的西南。He was given an official position and sent on several missions chiefly in south-west china.他是我派出的侦察员He was my recon pilot.她怕送走只派出两个儿子和乌玛汗。She was afraid to send away both sons and sent only umma khan.我们对派出维持和平部队此举表示欢迎。We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force.伊拉克摩苏尔一派出所遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人死亡。At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a police station in mosul iraq.侦探被派出去秘密侦察高地去了。The scout was sent to spy out the land.


人民检察院派出机构 agency of people''s procuratorate; detached office of people''s procuratorate

公安派出所 grassroots public security station; police substation

公派出国留学 foreign study or education abroad funded by the state; study abroad financed by the state

审计机关的派出机构 agency of auditing organs

常住地公安派出所 police substation at the habitual residence

当地员警派出所 local police station

水上公安派出所 waterborne police station; waterborne public security station

派出国 sending state

派出所 police substation

派出机构 representatives of the local state agencies); agency; establishments of business setups outside of Beijing

派出法庭 detached tribunal

派出行政机构 agency of administration

海关派出所 customs police station

被派出办事 go on a message

被派出差 be sent on a mission

警察局派出所 police station

铁路公安派出所 railroad police station; railroad precinct station of public security

