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拍手的英文翻译 拍手英文怎幺说 拍手的英文例句



[pāi shǒu]

    to clap one's hands

clap [klæp]

    n.拍手声,霹雳声 v.鼓掌,轻拍

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的


教师使劲地拍手让全班同学注意听讲。The teacher clapped hard to attract the class's attention.把球打到她握拍手的一边。Hit the ball to her forehand."幼稚园的教师拍拍手,要孩子们注意。"The nursery teacher clapped her hands to attract the children's attention.如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。Re happy and you know it clap your hands.随着时间流逝,袋盖在拍手者的膝上堆叠起来。With time elapsing the flaps collapse up on his clapper's lap.往手腕上抹熏衣草精油,轻拍手腕,深深呼吸几次。Dab lavender body oil on your wrist and sniff a few times.笑得东倒西歪,欢呼拍手They cheer.they clap their hands.教室里不准玩拍手游戏。Prohibit to play to clap hands the game in classroom.母亲和小男孩玩拍手游戏。Mother played pat-a-cake with the little boy.我们开始拍手。当时是在拉普尔拉,We started clapping.we were at la perla在一场演出中雇佣来拍手喝彩的一群追随者。A group of followers hired to applaud at a performance.

