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派克的英文翻译 派克英文怎幺说 派克的英文例句



[pà kè]


Parker ['pɑrkɚ]

    Charlie Parker 派克;Gilbert Parker 派克爵士;Theodore Parker 派克


克拉拉•派克为了妇女解放事业而献身。Clare parker died a martyr to the cause of women's liberation.派克曼间或在文章里流露出高傲的态度。Parkman occasionally allows a supercilious tone to creep into his writings.派克曼间或在文章里流露了高傲的态度。Parkman occasionally allows a supercilious tone to creep into his writing.派克曼是三人中最了不起的。Parkman is the greatest of the three.佩特拉:你是格兰特?派克。Petra: you're grant parker.皮玛族语皮玛人的犹他-阿兹特克语,类似帕派克语The uto-aztecan language of the pima dialectally related to papago.人们凭什幺将类似《太空入侵者》和《派克人》之类的东西定义为艺术。How could anybody classify the likes of space invaders and pac man as art?他们住在派克大道的另一头。They live somewhere down park avenue.她是出轨了,派克曼She slipped out parkman.未授予荣誉的持久的英雄品质-法兰西斯•派克曼。The unlaureled heroism of endurance-francis parkman.我本人感到穆里尔•斯派克被过分低估了。I myself feel that muriel spark is very underrated.这篇简短而辛辣的小说显示了缪里尔•斯派克想像力的狂放。This short pungent novel displays muriel spark's wildness of imagination.


克拉派克弹性纸质无纺布 Clupak

奥派克-2玉米突变体 opaque-2 mutant corn

富洛派克刻图膜 flo paque

派克勒斯彩条粗布 Pachras

派克勒斯彩条粗布 Pachras

派克方锌白铜 Pakfong

派克普坦粗羊毛 pacputan wool

派克普坦粗羊毛 pacputan wool

派克特龙铁碳磷母合金 Pacteron

派克顿白铜 Paktong

康派克牌电脑 Compaq Computer

康派克牌电脑 Compaq Computer

托帕克斯卫星 TOPEX/POSEIDON, T/P美法合作的海面地形实验/海神卫星。

辛特罗派克加铜铁粉 Sintropac

