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不值钱的英文翻译 不值钱英文怎幺说 不值钱的英文例句



[bùzhí qián]

    of little value

little [lit(ә)l]

    n.少许,一会儿,短时间 adj.很少的,矮小的,短暂的,琐碎的 adv.很少,稍微,完全不

value [vælju:]

    n.价值,估价,评价,价格,[数]值,确切涵义 vt.估价,评价,重视


这幢房子从来就不值钱,人们不喜欢住在教堂或坟场的对面。The house has never been much cop. People don't like living opposite a church or a graveyard.在印度,中尉和少尉军官多得不值钱,在哪儿也不会成为座上客。He found in India that subalterns were two a penny and invited nowhere.现在,体力劳动不值钱,因为世界不缺乏人手。Today manual labour is cheap because the world has no shortage of hands.不值钱的东西;华而不实的东西A trifle; a gewgaw.满满一盒子不值钱的东西。A case full of frippery.我不值钱了,混蛋!Now m penni ess damm t!我们为慈善事业举行了一次荷兰式拍卖,人们出价好几十英镑购买不值钱的废物。We held a dutch auction for charity and people were paying tens of pounds for worthless junk.我受够了你那不值钱的英雄主义I've had a bellyful of you and your cheap heroics.节约的不值钱,浪费的金难换。All things are cheap to the saving dear to the wasteful.这个瓷器不值钱的。None of this china is valuable.这位不诚实的商人掌握了一群易上当受骗的人,并开始向他们兜售自己那不值钱的货物。The dishonest businessman got hold ofa sucker list and started out to sell his worthless stock.这种照相机现在不值钱了This type of cameras are worthless these days.


不值钱之物 kickshaw

不值钱的东西 stiver

不值钱的商品 catch-penny

好看不值钱的装饰 ginger work

好看而不值钱的东西 gimcrackery

硬推销不值钱股票的掮客 share pusher

花哨不值钱的东西 gimcrack

