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不一的英文翻译 不一英文怎幺说 不一的英文例句




    to vary
    to differ

vary [veәri]

    vt.改变,变更,使多样化 vi.变化,不同,违反

differ [difә(r)]



他的计画和我的不一起执行。His plans didn't tie in with mine.他的卡片和南非的不一样His cards are different from the south african ones.他所说的话与事实不一致。What he said did not quadrate with the facts.一词较文,还可指不一定有固定收入的工作。Occupationbis more formal and is used additionally of work which may not provide a regular income.与标準和规範不一致的。Differing from a norm or standard.与标準英语也大不一样。Which are different from the rules of standard english.在政治上他总和父亲意见不一。He's always at odds with his father over politics.不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,蹤影。Soon after the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.


不一会儿 in a while

不一定 not always; not necessarily

不一致 discrepancy

不一致和错误审判 disagreement and mistrial

不一致年龄 discordia age

不一致性 inconsistency

不一致的 conflicting

不一致的事物 inconsistency

不一致集 disagreement set

与...不一致 inconsistent with

与..不一致 differ with

和...不一致 in conformity with; inconformity to

和不一致 in disagreement with

品质不一的投入品 heterogeneous inputs

在...问题上意见不一 be at odds

帐目不一致 disagreement between accounts

意见不一的 be at issue

支票金额大小写不一致 words and figures differ

步伐不一致 be out of step

步调不一致 fallen out of step; fell out of step

比例尺不一致 distortion in scale; scale distortion

法官意见不一致 divided court

税收不一 varying tax rates

表里不一地 ambidexterously

说法不一致 repugnance of statements

首尾不一致 change about

