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不想的英文翻译 不想英文怎幺说 不想的英文例句





indisposition [.indispә'ziʃәn]


nill [nil]


unthink [ʌn'θiŋk]

    vi.改变想法 vt.不想


他们不想疏浚任何小航道。They aren't scouring any little channel.他们可不想被流弹打破脑袋They the ones catch the stray bullets in the noodle.他们说我们该再呆一晚上,但是我不想让他们过多费心。They said we should stay another night but I didn't want to trespass on their hospitality.他什幺也不想要。There was nothing he wanted.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。He said that he wouldn't like to marry a plain jane.她不想受婚姻的束缚。She did not want the yoke of marriage.坦率地讲,我不想在录影机前做这事To be honest I'd rather this be off-camera.也许claire小姐不想让你看呢Maybe missy claire don't want you reading it.在加德纳看来,“维农纳”几乎是某种形式的艺术,他不想让它被粗鄙的麦卡锡主义玷污。In gardner's mind venona was almost an art form and he did not want it sullied by crude mccarthyism.因为正在下雪,所以他现在更不想去了。He will not go now the rather that it is snowing.在你们做完功课之前我不想听见你们这些孩子们再嘀咕什幺!I don't want to hear another peep out of you children until you've finished your homework!在任何时候都不要耽搁太长时间,因为你不想你的对手占上风。In any event don't put it off to long as you don't want your opponent to get the upper hand.在他们之间这场旧梦可能重温的游戏里,他不想独自发挥得过了头。In their game of reopened possibilities he didn't want to overplay his own hand.


一点也不想 have no mind to

不想 be in no mood for

不想做 had no stomach for; have no stomach for

使...不想起 sling up

我决不想 far be it from me to

