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捕食的英文翻译 捕食英文怎幺说 捕食的英文例句




    to prey on
    to catch and feed on
    to hunt for food

prey [prei]

    n.被掠食者,牺牲者,掠食 vi.捕食,掠夺,折磨

catch [kætʃ]

    n.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩 v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病) vi.抓住,燃着

feed [fi:d]

    n.饲养,饲料,(动物或婴儿的)一餐 vt.餵养,饲养,放牧,靠...为生 vi.吃东西,流入


请选择尺寸相似的鱼类,这样较大的鱼只就不会总想去捕食小鱼。Choose fish of a similar size so the larger ones won t be tempted to prey on the smaller ones.时间对水螨捕食週期的影响及其在控制蚊繁殖螨的作用Time effect on the predator-prey cycle in application of water bug for mosquito control.是的,你忘记星际附近,不注意的会被捕食。Yeah you forgot the part about preying on the unwary.他们的捕食对象都是些庞然大物,比如跟现在的大象体型相似的乳齿象。They hunted huge creatures like the mastodon which were similar to the modern elephant.牙鳕主要靠捕食较小的鱼类为生。The whiting is a major predator on smaller fish.依靠吸附在鲨鱼身上进行捕食A suckerfish that sticks to the shark's body and feeds off it.鹰捕食齧齿动物和小鸟。Hawks prey on rodents and small birds.在蛇的心中,你就是一个捕食者!In the snake's mind you are a predator!在他的身上可以看见捕食者He's got the look of both predator...贼鸥对企鹅群具有很大的威胁,它们会捕食企鹅的卵和幼仔。Skuas are a particular menace around penguins colonies and prey on both eggs and chicks.


捕食 prey on; prey upon

捕食作用 predation捕食

捕食性 predatism

捕食性天敌 predator

捕食性螨 predacious mite

捕食性螨类 predacious mites捕食性螨类

捕食现象 predation

捕食真菌 predacious fungi

捕食者 predator

捕食迹 predation trace

顶位捕食者 top predator顶位捕食者

