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不是吗的英文翻译 不是吗英文怎幺说 不是吗的英文例句



[bùshì ma]

    isn't that so?


你是有钱的家伙,不是吗?You moneyed folk isn't it?你喜欢戴水肺的潜水,不是吗?You adore scuba diving don't you?山塔•安拿撕掉了那份档,不是吗?Santa anna tore that document up personally did he not?虽然有点老式,不是吗?Rather shopworn though isn't it?我还从没付过别人定金,不是吗?I never paid up-front before did I?我没办法拒绝,不是吗?I couldn't say no could l?先生,付款行在伦敦,不是吗?The paying bank is in london isn't it sir?一个孩子在交通事故中3度烧伤不是吗?The chiidren with third-degree burns?这不是真正的茶不是吗?它像是把玫瑰花瓣放在热水里。That's not really tea is it? It's like rose petals in hot water.这件上衣有点儿破旧,不是吗?The coat is a bit ropy isn't it?这是单面透视窗!没有什幺可担心的,不是吗?This is a side-show! There's nothing to worry about is there?这是下一步计画,不是吗?This is the next setup isn't it?钻石是讨论的重点,不是吗?Well the dlamonds were a moot polnt or were they?

