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不通的英文翻译 不通英文怎幺说 不通的英文例句




    be obstructed
    be blocked up
    be impassable

obstructed [əb'strʌktid]


blocked [blɔkt]


up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的


她不过是假充内行,实际上对艺术一窍不通。Pseud she is just a pseud; she knows nothing about art really.卫星通信帮助中国最后几万个不通电话行政村的对外联繫。Satcom helps the connection of un-connected villages in china.我对物理化学一窍不通。Physical chemistry is greek to me.我们对航海术一窍不通。We don't know beans about navigation.我们公开地指责他的计画不通。We openly criticized his plan as unworkable.无声的,清辅音的不通过声带振动发出声音的,如辅音t和pUttered without vibration of the vocal cords as the consonants t and p.雨季期间很多地方的道路不通。Some places are not accessible by road during the wet season.在密闭式狭窄空间内的工作,包括罐、容器内等不通风区域Work within closed narrow space including unventilated areas in tank container etc.;


不通情理 be impervious to all reason

不通报 failure to disclose

不通电流的金属 n. non-current carrying metallic part

不通空气的火焰 nonaerated flame

不通航水域 unnavigable waters

不通航河流 non navigable river

不通行机动车的小路 drove road或drove way

不通视地区 dead ground; enclosed ground

不通车铁路 dismantled railroad

不通过交易所而直接卖给买方的 over-the-counter

不通风的 airless

文理不通 be bad grammar

挤得水泄不通 be packed as close as herrings; packed like sardines

是行不通的 impracticable to

讲不通 made no sense; make no sense; maken no sense; makes no sense

货不通过 no market for

