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哺乳的英文翻译 哺乳英文怎幺说 哺乳的英文例句




    breast feeding
    to suckle
    to nurse

breast [brest]

    n.胸部,乳房,胸怀,心情 vt.以胸对着,对付

feeding [fi:diŋ]

    n.给食,喂,饲养,吃,输送 adj.给食的,饲用的,逐渐强烈的,供给饲料的,摄取食物的

suckle [sʌk(ә)l]

    vt.哺乳,养育,吮吸 vi.吸奶


现知最大的哺乳动物;多数在南半球的蓝灰色定期迁移的须鲸。Largest mammal ever known; bluish-gray migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere.有人已经证实哺乳动物组织的柠檬酸合成酶受atp的抑制。The citrate synthase of mammalian tissues have been shown to be inhibited by atp.照看但不哺乳婴儿的护理者。A nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant.只在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛和新几内亚发现的原始卵生哺乳动物。Primitive oviparous mammals found only in australia tasmania and new guinea.中美和南美的杂食性哺乳动物。Omnivorous mammal of central and south america.主要分布在澳大利亚和美国的原始有袋的哺乳动物。Primitive pouched mammals found mainly in australia and the americas.


似哺乳爬行动物 mammal-like reptiles

哺乳 lactation又称"授乳"。

哺乳乳罩 nursing bra

哺乳动物 mammal

哺乳动物学 mammalogy又称"兽类学 theriology)"。

哺乳妇女 nursing woman

哺乳室 nursing room

哺乳性视神经炎 lactation optic neuritis

哺乳期 lactation period

哺乳期保护 protection in breast-feeding period

哺乳类 mammals

哺乳蜂蜜 Bu Ru honey

海上哺乳动物和鸟类观测室 marine mammal and birds observation room

海洋哺乳动物 n. marine mammals

