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不堪的英文翻译 不堪英文怎幺说 不堪的英文例句




    cannot bear
    cannot stand

cannot [kænɔt]


bear [beә(r)]

    n.熊 v.负担,忍受,带给,具有,挤,向

stand [stænd]

    n.停止,抵抗的状态,立场,立足点,看台,架子,台 v.站,立,站起,(使)竖立,(使)位于,维持不变,持久,经受


她把筹画生日会单纯的事情弄得杂乱不堪。She made a whole tsimmes out of planning the birthday party.我差不多把这个不堪一击的小人打死了。I'm almost done savaging this peeping tom.我们的民兵武装不堪一击。For our militia forces are ineffective.我们继续互相吼着,她还说了些不堪入耳的话。We continued yelling at each other and she said unprintable things.我们用了一下午的时间逛商店,疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家。We spend the afternoon traipse from one shop to another.我们在漫长的旅行之后确实是疲惫不堪了。We were really zonked after our long journey.一辆汽车的前灯亮了,这辆破烂不堪的小轿车停在他跟前,车门也同时打开了。Headlights flashed on and a battered sedan pulled up to him the door swinging open.一张被褥零乱不堪的大床。A large bed rumpled and unmade.这个决定让我们忧虑不堪。The decision occasioned us much anxiety.这间房间淩乱不堪。This room is all a muss.昨天晚上的舞会拥挤不堪。The dance last night was a rat race.


不堪 be out of condition

使...疲乏不堪 take it out of; taken it out of

使...走得疲乏不堪 walk someone off his feet

使疲乏不堪 taken it out of

将...弄得污浊不堪 muddy up

拥挤不堪 packed like sardines

狼狈不堪 all in a fluster

疲倦不堪 be washed out

破损不堪的 war weary

穷困不堪 on his uppers; on my uppers; on thier uppers

