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不凡的英文翻译 不凡英文怎幺说 不凡的英文例句




    out of the ordinary
    out of the common run

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

ordinary [ɔ:dinәri; (-) 'ɔ:rdәneri]

    adj.平常的,普通的,平凡的 n.[律] 推事,[宗]罪犯的忏悔牧师


谦虚的不炫耀或卖弄的;不自命不凡的Free from showiness or ostentation; unpretentious.他不过是一个自命不凡的人而已。He is nothing but a stuffed shirt.他们认为她的追求者抱负不凡,积极进取。They had considered her suitor ambitious and upwardly mobile.我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.现在约翰当上经理了,他便自命不凡起来。Now john was been made manager he's behaving like a little tin god.以不凡的品质为特徵的;尤其是在该类中最高的或极端的。Marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind.在这种谄媚的烟幕背后,却隐藏着一种非常自命不凡的态度,这常使洛根看了生气。Behind the film of obsequiousness was an attitude of vast superiority that always set logan on edge.这本书的问题在于它有时陷入了自命不凡的哲理空谈。The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing.这幺一个气概不凡的人,居然对一个小姑娘发生兴趣,这实在不可思议。It was strange a man of his mettle should take an interest in a little maid.自命不凡的;爱炫耀的自负而武断的或自命不凡的;爱炫耀的Pompously dogmatic or self-important; pretentious.自命不凡而且非常庸俗地去展示自己。Pretentious or showy or vulgar display.


自命不凡 think no small beer of themselves; thought his something; thought no small beer of themselves

自命不凡的 high flying; highflying

自命不凡的人 little tin god; stuffed shirt

