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不大的英文翻译 不大英文怎幺说 不大的英文例句




    not very
    not too
    not often

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

too [tu:]



他不大关心自己周围的情况。He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰味道的鼻音,还有一股子沉着自信。He speaks quietly with a slightly nasal new england twang and with a calm self-assurance.她的投篮技术不大好。She doesn't shoot very well.我们都不大喜欢罗斯!Neither of us like ross!在信噪比为17db的情况下,不大于10-5Under signal-to-noise ratio of17db not greater than10-5正如女僕所说,他的精神不大正常。He is as the parlormaid has said in a state.


不大 not quite

不大会有的机会 off chance; offchance

不大可能 least likely

不大可能的机会 outside chance

不大有作用 gone a kittle way; went a kittle way

不大有成功可能 off the scent

不大有用 to little avail

不大流行 have a short vogue

不大聪明 weak in the head

不大能约束 sit loosely on

不大适于 have little vocation for

不大重要 of little account

不大重要的事 not much interest

不大重视 made little account of; make little account of; maken little account of; makes little account of

不大需要 little sought after

与...关係不大 little to do with

争议不大 not much controversy

价值不大 am of little value; are of little value; is of little value; of little account; was of little value; were of little value

可能性不大 there is no fear of

对...不大重要 signify little to

意义不大 of no consequence

