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不注意的英文翻译 不注意英文怎幺说 不注意的英文例句



[bù zhùyì]

    not pay attention to

thoughtless [θɔ:tlis]


pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

attention [ә'tenʃ(ә)n]



她不注意别人的话。She takes no heed of what is said.她站在那里一动也不动地听收音机,毫不注意周围有秩序的忙碌。She stood glued to the radio heedless of the ordered bustle about her.小男孩们玩耍一点也不注意他们所留下的到处践踏的脚印。Little boys playing in the dust heedless of the trampling feet everywhere about them.在美国得体的路遇行为是保持注意与不注意间的平衡。Proper street behaviors in the united states requires a nice balance of attention and inattention.终日学习而不注意饮食和锻炼会使一个男大学生失去健康的。All study and no attention to diet and exercise can make joe college a sick boy.当你在路边不注意的时候…As you step off the curb without looking...是的,你忘记星际附近,不注意的会被捕食。Yeah you forgot the part about preying on the unwary.他的眼睛直盯着天花板,显然,他并不注意他周围发生的事情;With his eyes fixed on the ceiling he was unobservant apparently of all that passed around him;他们跳进散兵抗,并乘你不注意割断你的喉咙Into fox holes and slitting your throat at night.他在公共场合浪语,一点也不注意公德!Making irresponsible remarks in public he has no sense of public morality.


不注意 not to be noted; sit loose to; take no account of; take no notice of; taken no account of; taken no notice of; takes no account of; takes no notice of; took no account of; took no notice of

不注意的 negligent

不让...在不注意的地方 kept in sight

对...不注意 take her mind off; take his mind off; take my mind off; take our mind off

