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不重要的英文翻译 不重要英文怎幺说 不重要的英文例句



[bù zhòngyào]


unimportant [ʌnim'pɔ:t(e)nt]



关闭所有不重要的应用程式,释放正在使用的记忆体。Free up the memory in use by closing any nonessential applications.琐事小的、轻的或不重要的事Something small trivial or inconsequential.他能否像苹果树或橡树那样迅速成熟起来,这并不重要。It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak.她无法容忍对不重要问题进行不得要领的高谈阔论。She couldn't stand all that pointless intellectualizing about subjects that just didn't matter.微不足道的不重要的或无甚价值的Of slight worth or importance.我认为他们的研究不重要。I am unimpressed by their research.这些小事本身不重要,但合在一起会造成大麻烦。These piny problems themselves aren't important but in all that's a big problem.重要的和不重要的The important and the unimportant.


一点也不重要 weigh nothing

不重要 am of no consequence; are of no consequence; indifferency; is of no consequence; no matter; of no account; was of no consequence; were of no consequence

不重要的 not significant; small time; smalltime; unimportant

不重要的东西 pip squeak

不重要的是 it be not essential that; it be not important that; it can not be essential that; it can not be important that; it may not be essential that; it may not be important that; it must not be essential that; it must not be important that

不重要的行为 child''s play

使...显得不重要 make little of

把...看成不重要 think nothing of

最后但并非最不重要 last but not the least

最后但并非最不重要的 last but not least

最后但最不重要的 last but the least

最后但非最不重要 last but not least; last but not the least

比较不重要 of less importance

认为...不重要 maken little of

