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不怎幺的英文翻译 不怎幺英文怎幺说 不怎幺的英文例句



[bù zěnme]

    not very
    not particularly

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

particularly [pә'tikjulәli]



他不怎幺乐意接受我提出的恢复交战前状况的建议。He did not readily embrace my suggestion of a return to the status quo ante.他的厨房看来不怎幺清洁。His kitchen didn't look very sanitary.他们的建议不怎幺了不起。Their suggestion is not up to much.他们和牧师公馆已不怎幺来往。There was little intercourse with the parsonage.它看起来真的不怎幺像五月花号啊It doesn't really look like the mayflower.我认为不怎幺好,I cannot say much for我要把这块比较大的牛排给你,我不怎幺饿。I'll give you the bigger of the two steaks; I'm not veery hungry.我这两天不怎幺爱国I'm not feeling too patriotic these days.野玫瑰的花瓣比较单调,不怎幺鲜豔。The wild rose has a simpler and less showy blossom.


不怎幺有效 am of little avail; are of little avail; is of little avail; was of little avail; were of little avail

不怎幺有用 am of little avail; are of little avail; is of little avail; was of little avail; were of little avail

不怎幺需要 had little use for; have little use for

认为...不怎幺好 not think much of

