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不友好的英文翻译 不友好英文怎幺说 不友好的英文例句



[bù yǒuhǎo]

    not on borrowing terms

borrowing [bɔrәuiŋ]


terms [tə:mz]

    n [pl] 1 (a) conditions offered or accepted (提出的或接受的)条件: peace terms 和平条件 * according to the terms of the contract 按照合同的条件. (b) payment offered or asked (付出的或索要的)报酬, 代价: hire-purchase on easy terms 优惠的分期付款 * enquire about terms for renting a house 询问租房子的价钱. 2 way of expressing oneself 表达方式; 措辞; 说法: protest in the strongest terms 以最强硬的措词抗议 * He referred to your work in terms of high praisein percentage terms. 那些数字是以百分数表示的. on equal terms => equal. on one's ownsb else decides 按个人[他人]决定的条件


查德威克小姐不友好地看着她。Miss chadwick looked at her without affection.对不友好的人要更好。Be even kinder to unkind people.那个店主是个坏脾气、很不友好的人。The shopkeeper was a grumpy and rather unfriendly man.难以接近的;不友好的不能接近的。A disposition to be unapproachable; unfriendly and inaccessible.她不友好地瞪了他一眼。She gave him a cold-eyed stare.她很不友好地看了他一眼。She had given him a very chilly look.表情阴沉或者不友好。Sullen or unfriendly in appearance.激怒某人的不友好行为。Unfriendly behavior that aggravates or irritates someone.全无温暖和诚恳;表现出不友好或者轻蔑的特点。Devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain.她与人交往时极不友好。She has a very offhand way of dealing with people.我不喜欢他那不友好的态度。I don't like his unfriendly atttitude.我讨厌她那不友好的态度。I dislike her unfriendly attitude.这只狗看起来不友好,Pooch doesn't look too friendly.


不友好行为 unfriendly act

以不友好的态度对待 make strange of

对...不友好 on the bad side of

