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Blanc [blæŋk]

    Louis Blanc 路易?勃朗


卡莎布兰卡是一长而软弱的铁路线的终点。Casablanca was the terminus of a long rickety railway line.派特•布兰森基本上是停下不吃了。Pat branson essentially stopped eating.然而,布鲁克林道奇队的老闆布兰奇•瑞基决心要破除种族隔阂,整合职业棒坛。Brooklyn dodgers owner branch rickey however was determined to integrate professional baseball.撒迦利亚布兰顿被指控上週末在印第安那州南部境内向一辆敞蓬小型载货卡车开枪射击。Zachariah blanton is accused of opening fire on a pickup truck in southern indiana over the weekend.司仪:各位观众,韦恩•布兰迪!Mc: ladies and gentlemen wayne brady!我要仔细端详拉斐尔、达芬奇、提香和瑞姆布兰特的油画。I should look deep into the canvases of raphael leonardo da vinci titian rembrandt.我愿意服侍你,布兰奇,这样更有家的感觉I like to wait on you blanche it makes it seem more like home.在巴厘、雅加达、卡萨布兰卡、利雅德、蒙巴萨、耶路撒冷、伊斯坦布尔和巴格达继续发生谋杀事件。The killing has continued in bali jakarta casablanca riyadh mombasa jerusalem istanbul and baghdad.


布兰农棉 Brannon cotton

布兰农棉 Brannon cotton

布兰尼夫国际公司 Braniff International Corporation

布兰布利斯工业公司 Brambles Industries Ltd.

布兰德-怀特-加兰德综合征 BlandWhiteGarland syndrome

布兰特—斯内德克法 Brandt-Snedecor method

布兰特委员会报告 Brandt Commission Report

布兰科福尔萤光增白剂 Blancophor

布兰科福尔萤光增白剂 Blancophor

布兰科萤光增白剂 Blancol

布兰科萤光增白剂 Blancol

柯柏斯-赖布兰会计公司 Coopers & Lybrand C;L)

汤姆逊-布兰特公司 Thomson-Brandt, S.A.

