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不拘的英文翻译 不拘英文怎幺说 不拘的英文例句



[bù jū]

    not stick to
    not confine oneself to

stick [stik]

    n.棍,棒,手杖 v.粘住,粘贴 vt.刺,戳

confine [kɔnfain]

    vt.限制,禁闭 n.界限,边界

oneself [wʌn'self]



他用伯莎所极为欣赏的那种不拘形式的大步往前走去。He walked along with the free-and-easy stride that bertha so much admired.她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。She only unbends in the family circle.一种不拘礼节而又互谅互让的关係。A free-and-easy give-and-take relationship.有一种不拘礼节、使人平心静气的气氛。There was a disarming air of informality.这是一次气氛轻鬆、不拘泥任何形式的讨论。It was a relaxed and quite informal discussion.…不拘泥于习俗和偏见的开明人士吗?Unfettered by customs and prejudices?不拘束,自在没有感到不安、拘谨;自然Freedom from constraint or embarrassment; naturalness.创建一个“弹性空间”、振奋、不拘礼节和信任的环境……嘉奖进步……颂扬成果。Create a flexible space upbeat formality free and trustful environment.一杯茶有助于我们的客人变得不拘束。A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guest.


不拘 irrespective of

不拘形式地 on the nod

不拘损失率大小照付 payable irrespective of percentage

不拘束 be at ease

不拘礼仪 without circumstance

不拘礼节 in the family way; let her back hair down; let her hair down; let his back hair down; let his hair down; let my back hair down; let my hair down; let our back hair down; let our hair down; let their back hair down; let their hair down

不拘礼节地 in a family

变得不拘束 relax in

自由不拘产业 footloose industry

