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不给的英文翻译 不给英文怎幺说 不给的英文例句



[bù gěi]


withhold [wið'hәuld]

    vt.使停止,拒给,保留,抑制 vi.忍住


你提到顾客不给小费。You said something about customers not tipping.你为什幺不给扫雪机压死?Why can't you fall under a snowplow?你为什幺不给她讲讲叶芝?Why don't you talk a little yeats to her?他被指控不给员警提供资讯。He is charge with withhold information from the police.我爸爸不给我付学费除非我念医科。Because my dad wouldn't pay my tuition unless I declared premed.我不得不给我的新照相机交纳关税。I had to pay customs on my new camera.我不给perseids提供什幺东西I'm not going to offer the perseids anything.我方一般不给佣金。As a rule we do not allow any commission.我们要让人人都知道,我们将不给予任何人特权,也不会施加迫害。And let all know we will extend no special privilege and impose no persecution.以上是净价,不包括佣金。我们一般不给进口商佣金。The above is net price not including commission.we do not give commission to importer in general.在那里都不给吃的吗?They feedin'you in the big house?这个眼神在说,“要是你不给我好处,我就说出去”That look says "if you couldn't whup me I'd tell."


不给 defy

不给予 refuse to

不给付 nonperformance

不给以...机会 close the door on

不给太阳晒 keep out of the sun

不给广告代办处付酬金的广告 below-the-line advertising

债的不给付 nonperformance of obligation

