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不费力的英文翻译 不费力英文怎幺说 不费力的英文例句



[bù fèilì]

    ease;be no exertion to

ease [i:z]

    n.安逸,安心,不费力,悠闲 vt.使悠闲,使安心,减轻,放鬆 vi.减弱,减轻,放鬆,灵活地移动

no [nәu]

    n.否定,投反对票者 adj.没有,不许,反对 adv.不,并不,毫不 [域] Norway ,挪威

exertion [ig'zә:ʃ(ә)n; (-) -ә:rʒn]



比尔可以不费力地吸引别人的注意力。Bill has an easy-going charm.不费力地;容易地With little difficulty; easily.步态很有特点:平滑、不费力。His characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless.强调速度,在执行上,要求学生骄纵,并毫不费力地从一个立场。Faster execution leads into a second tenet of fut ga the theory of "touch-go."他突然放慢了他那长时间毫不费力的地稳步前进的步伐,迈上了陡峭的路段。Suddenly he slowed his long effortless jog trot up to the steep.绝对且并不费力地控制To dominate utterly and effortlessly.乔对弄到晚会的请柬不费力,他是这方面的能手。Joe is a past master at getting invitations to parties.他毫不费力地沖过终点线。He ran effortlessly past the winning post.他拎起一口代粮食,毫不费力的地把它抛到驮鞍上。He took up a sack of grain and with ease pitched it over a packsaddle.他以事实和数字为后盾,毫不费力地驳倒了诽谤者。Armed with facts and figures he had little difficulty in talking the slanderer down.西伯利亚雪橇犬的标準步态是平稳舒畅,看上去不费力。The siberian husky's characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless.我同一位老人下棋,他毫不费力地赢了我,后来我发现他是一名象棋大师。Who beat me hands down; I later discovered he was a grand master.


不费力地 hand over fist; without effort

不费力气地赢得 waltz off with

不费力的 unlaboured

不费力而意外得到的金钱 pennies from heaven

毫不费力 without effort

毫不费力地 in a walk

毫不费力地做 coast along

