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neck [nek]



我忙着研究q。t。(死者)的脖子Q.t.and I were busy necking.我们应该把他的脖子扭断We ought to wring his filthy little neck.我扭断他的脖子才感到痛快。I'd gladly wring his neck.我想感受一下你的手指穿过我的脖子。I want to feel your fingers tight on my ne ck.我应该马上扭断他的脖子I ought to wring his neck right now.我走在街上身上穿着粉红色的马球衫,脖子上挂着十字架。So suddenly I go walking down the street im wearing a pink polo shirt. I have a cross thats hanging.小丑们被银行卡住了脖子This pipsqueak has the banks breathing down his neck.一个英国士兵把绞索套在他的脖子上。A british soldier put the rope around his neck.一种围在脖子上的围巾。A scarf worn around the neck.照明:前后两侧有日光灯或鹅脖子灯。Cabinet lights: front and rear florescent or tungsten ceiling mount or goose neck lamp.


八棱脖羊角锤 claw hammer with octagon neck

卡脖子 choke the life out of

家用猫头-腿-脖褥子 house cat head-leg-neck plate

搂住...的脖子 fall on someone''s neck

捏住...脖子 hold by the throat

灵猫脖褥子 civet cat neck skin plate

狸子脖皮褥子 leopard cat neck skin plate

狸子脖褥子 leopard cat neck plate

猸脖褥子 pahmi neck plate

白母鸡脖子皮 hen neck skin,white

直角八棱脖羊角锤 claw hammer with straight claw and octagon neck

硬脖子 stiff neck

红母鸡脖子皮 hen neck skin,red

红脖 ruby throat

红脖 ruby throat

羔脖褥子 lamb neck plate

芦花母鸡脖子皮 hen neck skin,chinchilla

花母鸡脖子皮 hen neck skin,fancy

蓝脖 bluethroat

蓝脖 bluethroat

貉绒脖褥子 plucked raccoon neck plate raccoon neck plate,plucked

