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毕业的英文翻译 毕业英文怎幺说 毕业的英文例句




    to graduate
    to finish school

graduation [grædju'eiʃ(ә)n]


graduate [grædjueit]

    n.(大学)毕业生,研究生 v.(使)(大学)毕业

finish [finiʃ]

    n.完成,结束,磨光,末道漆,完美 vt.完成,结束,用完,毁掉,使完美 vi.结束,终结,停止,终止


他在班上功课顶尖,并以最优等的成绩于1996年毕业。He gained top honors eventually graduating summa cum laude in1996.外国学生具高中毕业资格者,得申请入学本校学士班;Foreign students with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for undergraduate study at thu;因为她去上暑期学校,所以能够比其他同学早些毕业。She got the jump on her classmates by going to summer school and was able to graduate earlier.在毕业前退学的学生。Someone who quits school before graduation.在公立学校里,80%的学生都无法通过最近的毕业考试。Eighty per cent of pupils in government schools failed the recent school-leaving exam.只有本科需要写毕业论文啊,专科不用的。Only undergraduate course needs to write thesis specialized subject unused.中学毕业的最低年龄:The school-leaving age is the lowest age at which a erson can leave school.


万人大学生毕业数 ratio of college graduates in ten thousand people

与...同时毕业 graduate with

产品部门毕业标準 sector graduation test

从...毕业 graduate from

以...成绩毕业 graduate with

大学毕业生训练 college graduate training

工程大学毕业生 engineering graduate

普通高中毕业会考制度 graduation examination system of general senior middle school

毕业 graduate in

毕业文凭 diploma

毕业文凭持有者 diplomate

毕业生 alumni

毕业论文 graduation thesis

毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate; leaving certificate

高等学校毕业生分配制度改革 reform of graduate job assignment system of higher educational institutions

