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并不的英文翻译 并不英文怎幺说 并不的英文例句




    not at all
    emphatically not

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

emphatically [im'fætiklli]



事情的结果对他们并不妙。Things didn't pan out well for them.他们并不像法老、弥诺斯或美索不达米亚君主那样类似上帝的超人。They were not quasi-divine overmen like pharaoh or minos or the monarchs of mesopotamia.一般的扩散无规则运动理论并不考虑粒子间的任何作用。The usual diffusion random walk treatment does not consider any interaction between the particles.一点激动并不意味着生命终止或死亡Well a little excitement doesn't mean life stops or death.一些结果并不令人吃惊:富人宣称比穷人更幸福。Some of the results are unsurprising: the rich report being happier than do the poor.与乾冰粒不同,碘化银微粒在投放时并不蒸发。Unlike dry ice pellets the particles of silver iodide do not evaporate when released.主水管并不在房子底下。Water main doesn't run under the house.


人们并不怀疑 it be not doubtful that; it can be not doubtful that; it may be not doubtful that; it must be not doubtful that; it should be not doubtful that; it will be not doubtful that; it would be not doubtful that

保兑并不可撤销的信用证 confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit; confirmed irrevocable credit

并不 in no circumstances; none so; not in any degree

并不令人满意 be not all that could be desired

并不可约元 join irreducible element

并不因...而坏 none the worse for

并不完全一样 not quite the same

并不是 not that

并不讨好 got small thanks for it; gotten small thanks for it

据我知道并不是那样 not to my knowledge

虽然并不很大 this is quite possible though somewhat unlikely

