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冰架的英文翻译 冰架英文怎幺说 冰架的英文例句



[bīng jià]

    ice shelf

ice [ais]

    n.冰冻食品 vt.冰冻,覆以冰 vi.结冰 [军] Intenal Combustion Engine,内燃机

shelf [ʃelf]



“如果你看到南极半岛冰架崩裂"If you see the breakup of ice shelves along the antarctic peninsula冰裂:冰山从冰川或冰架上断裂下来。Calving: the breaking off of an iceberg from a glacier or ice shelf.大而扁平状的冰冠称作冰架,它们漂浮在南极洲周边的水域中。Large flat sheets of the icecap called ice shelves float in water near antarctica.可知冰山是分离出来的一部分冰架,而这个分离的过程称为。An iceberg is a piece of an ice shelf that separated and now floats free.南极洲西部几条河流中的冰块漂流到冰架,Several rivers of the west antarctica ice sheet flow into the ice shelf.全球气候变暖再传警讯南极一冰架完全瓦解A new alarm over global warming: an antarctic ice shelf has collapsed一座冰山,从冰架上脱落An iceberg all right broke off from an ice shelf.这个冰架完全消失了This ice shelf completely disappeared.他们研究了几条南极洲西部的流向ross冰架的冰川。They studied several ice streams in west antarctica that lead into the ross ice shelf.


冰架 ice shelf

冰架界 limit of ice shelf

浮冰架 n. sea ice shelf

海冰架 n. sea ice shelf

罗斯冰架 n. Ross Ice Shelf

