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稟的英文翻译 稟英文怎幺说 稟的英文例句



    to make a report (to a superior)
    to give
    to endow

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

report [ri'pɔ:t]

    n.报告,传说,谣言,声誉,名声,爆炸声 v.报导,彙报,报到,告发

superior [su:'piәriә(r)]

    n.长者,高手,上级 adj.较高的,上级的,上好的,出众的,高傲的


要当冠军, 光有技巧还不够--还必须有相应的稟赋。To be a champion, skill is not enough you have to have the right temperament.天赋,天资自然的稟赋或天才;有天分的人A natural endowment or gift; a talent.他入稟香港高等法院的诉状週四被公诸于众。The writ of summons filed in the hong kong high court was made public on thursday.马夫急忙跑到将军帐内,把这事稟告马武。The hostler ran to report it to the general immediately.鲁道夫具有人见人爱的稟赋。Rudolf had the gift of being liked by everyone he met.库图佐夫亦曾如此稟报陛下。Kutuzov wrote to that effect to the tsar.你需要稟告一份避免相撞报告吗?Do you want to file an air miss report?有密探稟报,敌军已经出发。An agent provocateur reported that the enemy had started out.启稟大人,山县昌景将军到Sire masakage yamagata is here.音乐方面有稟赋的、有天才的、无知的。Musically gifted talented ignorant


内稟反应座标 intrinsic reaction coordinate

内稟增长率 intrinsic rate of increase内在增殖率

内稟抗剪强度 intrinsic shear strength

内稟方程 intrinsic equation

内稟磁性 intrinsic magnetic properties

内稟红移 intrinsic redshift由河外天体内在原因引起的谱线红移。

内稟能垒 intrinsic barrier

内稟角动量 intrinsic angular momentum

内稟随机性 intrinsic stochasticity

生产要素稟赋 factor endowment

稟报 report to senior authorities

要素稟赋论 factor endowment

要素稟赋说验证 tests of factor-endowment theory

