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避开的英文翻译 避开英文怎幺说 避开的英文例句




    to avoid
    to evade
    to keep away from

avoid [ә'vɔid]


evade [i'veid]


keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断


为了避开正门那堆寄生虫,我们就去了侧门。And we used the side entrance because all the parasites were out front.我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。We sought to parry the characteristic soviet lunge with fancy footwork.星期三是避开人群去旅行的最佳时间。Midweek is a good time to travel to avoid the crowd.幸好我避开了罪犯的匕首。Fortunately I warded off the criminal's dagger.需要注重的是要避开吃饭和休息、非凡是午睡的时间。Those who need an attention is to want to escape has a meal and rest especially the time of siesta.要儘量避开任何类型的计件工作。Avoid like the plague any sort of piecework.英台因此装扮成男生,巧妙避开了这个难题。Ying tai got around this dilemma by dressing up as a boy.在审讯的时候,开车的绑匪说当时转向是为了想避开一个高个子的金髮男人。When questioned the driver remembered swerving to avoid hitting a tall blond man.这种战斗机有一种特殊装置,可以避开雷达。This stealth fighter plane has introduced a special device which can escape radar scanning.


从...处避开 avert from

使...避开 outflank to

告诫...避开 warn off

儘量避开 run a mile

看风使舵前进以避开障碍 back and fill

避开 forefend; gave a wide berth; get out of the way; gets out of the way; got out of the way; gotten out of the way; keep from; keep out of the way; keeps out of the way; kept aloof from; kept out of the way

避开卖出 get off

避开危险 get clear of a danger

