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比不上的英文翻译 比不上英文怎幺说 比不上的英文例句




    can't compare with

compare [kәm'peә(r)]

    v.比较,相比,比喻 n.比较


什幺也比不上直接取得的证据来得重要。There is nothing like first-hand evidence.谁也比不上科克托,三笔两划就把他的漫画像勾勒出来了。No one could describe him as concisely as cocteau has done in his caricature.西娅:论无聊,比不上你常读的那本废话连篇摩托车杂誌的一半。Thea: not half as boring as that stupid motor-bike mag you're always reading.走路比不上飞行。Walking can't compare with flying.左锋比不上右锋。The left forward can not compare with the right forward.按照常规,船只报废的价值是比不上好船价值的。As a matter of rule the scrap value of a vessel can hardly be at~ with the sound value.但这种煎蛋还是比不上一种轻食雪利酒奶油酱汁蘑菇。But even the omelet couldn't compare to the next tapa mushroom in a sherry and butter sauce.管理部门比不上战前的煤矿主。The managements compared unfavourably with the pre-war coal-owners.他比不上你。He doesn't stack up to you.他根本比不上黑暗骑士He's nothing like the nightrider!他们的礼品比不上他送的Their gift doesn't stack up against his.下国际象棋谁也比不上她。Tch a slanging match no one can match her at chess.铸铁在抗拉强度上比不上钢。Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength.


什幺也比不上 there is nothing like

比不上 hold a candle to

