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表示敬意的英文翻译 表示敬意英文怎幺说 表示敬意的英文例句



[biǎoshì jìngyì]

    to show respect

respectful [ri'spektful]


show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映

respect [ri'spekt]

    n.尊敬,敬重,注意,考虑,尊重,关係,有关,敬意 vt.尊敬,尊重,不防碍


每个人都对军人表示敬意。Everyone pays homage to the soldiers.他们对祖先表示敬意。They used to honour their ancestors.我对你的工作表示敬意。I pay a compliment to your work!我先烈士们表示敬意。I paid homage to the martyrs.…我想对迈克表示敬意... I wanna pay my respects to jack.没药对他的牺牲表示敬意A gift of myrrh to honor thy sacrifice.你应向你父亲表示敬意。You should pay your respects to your father.他就报纸向所有的权贵盲目表示敬意的做法进行了抨击。He attacks the newspapers for their uncritical obeisance to the rich and the powerful.他举帽表示敬意。He raised his cap in token of respect.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意We called to pay our respects.我愿借此机会公开各他表示敬意。I want to take this opportunity to pay a public tribute to him.在今年的圣塞瓦斯蒂安电影节,人们不断地向泽费雷里表示敬意。This year the san sebastian film festival has been paying homage to zeffirelli.这一庆祝活动演变成向“圣母教堂”表示敬意的节日,The celebration changed to honor the" mother church"


向...表示敬意 in honour of; paid homage to; pay homage to; take off her hat to; take off his hat to; take off my hat to; take off one''s hat to; take off our hat to; take off their hat to; take off your hat to

表示敬意 made a compliment

